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Старый 21.01.2012, 15:42   #10
Аватар для bit
Регистрация: 08.02.2011
Сообщений: 9
По умолчанию

Всем привет.
Вот ковыряю t3blog, так и не получается обрезать пост....
Вот оригинал моего кода:

class t3blog_div {

	 * Crops the text at divider's position with respect to the HTML structure.
	 * @param array $row
	 * @param int $dividerPosition
	 * @return string
	static public function cropText(array $row, $dividerPosition) {
		$cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
		if (method_exists($cObj, 'cropHTML')) {
			// Algorithm:
			// - render text correctly
			// - make sure there is no empty paragraphs for ###MORE###
			$renderedText = t3blog_div::getSingle($row, 'tt_content', $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup);
			$textBeforeDivider = $cObj->cropHTML($renderedText,
				($dividerPosition + 10). '|');
			$regExp = '/<p(?:\s[^>]*)?>\s*###MORE###\s*<\/p>/';
			if (preg_match($regExp, $textBeforeDivider)) {
				$textBeforeDivider = preg_replace($regExp, '', $textBeforeDivider);
			else {
				$textBeforeDivider = str_replace('###MORE###', '', $textBeforeDivider);
		else {
			$textBeforeDivider = substr($row['bodytext'], 0, $dividerPosition);
		return $textBeforeDivider;

	 * Fetches content data for the current post.
	 * @param int $postId
	 * @param array $contentUidArray
	 * @param boolean $hasDivider
	 * @param string $textBeforeDivider
	static public function fetchContentData($postId, array &$contentUidArray, &$hasDivider, &$textBeforeDivider) {
		static $cache = array();

		if (isset($cache[$postId])) {
			$contentUidArray = $cache[$postId]['contentUidArray'];
			$hasDivider = $cache[$postId]['hasDivider'];
			$textBeforeDivider = $cache[$postId]['textBeforeDivider'];
		else {
			$cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
			$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
				'uid,bodytext,CType', 'tt_content',
				'irre_parentid=' . $postId .
					' AND irre_parenttable=\'tx_t3blog_post\'' .
				'', 'sorting'
			$contentUidArray = array();
			$hasDivider = false;
			$textBeforeDivider = '';
			while (false !== ($rowContent = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res))) {
				if ($rowContent['CType'] == 'text' || $rowContent['CType'] == 'textpic') {
					$dividerPosition = strpos($rowContent['bodytext'], '###MORE###');
					if ($dividerPosition !== false) {
						$textBeforeDivider = self::cropText($rowContent, $dividerPosition);
						$hasDivider = true;
				$contentUidArray[] = $rowContent['uid'];

			$cache[$postId] = array(
				'contentUidArray' => $contentUidArray,
				'hasDivider' => $hasDivider,
				'textBeforeDivider' => $textBeforeDivider

	 * Parses data through typoscript.
	 * @param array $data Data which will be passed to the typoscript.
	 * @param string $tsObjectKey The typoscript which will be called.
	 * @param array $tsObjectConf TS object configuration
	 * @return string
	static public function getSingle(array $data, $tsObjectKey, array $tsObjectConf) {
		$cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
		$cObj->data = $data;
		return $cObj->cObjGetSingle($tsObjectConf[$tsObjectKey], $tsObjectConf[$tsObjectKey . '.']);

	 * Checks if it is a valid email. Use t3lib_div::validEmail() instead!
	 * @param 	string 	$email: emailaddress
	 * @return 	boolean	true if error
	 * @deprecated
	static public function checkEmail($email){
		return !t3lib_div::validEmail($email);

	 * Checks if it is a valid http:// url
	 * adds "http://" string if there is none.
	 * @param 	string 	$url: url-address
	 * @return 	boolean	true if error
	 * @deprecated Use t3lib_div::isValidUrl()
	static public function checkExternalUrl($url) {
		return t3lib_div::isValidUrl($url);

	 * Returns the username (realname) from be_user by a uid
	 * @param  int $uid uid of the be_user
	 * @return string Real name of the be_user
	static public function getAuthorByUid($uid) {
		list($row) = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows('realName', 'be_users',
			'uid= ' . intval($uid), '', '', '1'
		return (is_array($row) ? $row['realName'] : '');

	 * Obtains the category name by its uid
	 * @param int $uid uid of a specific category
	 * @return string name of the category
	static public function getCategoryNameByUid($uid) {
		list($row) = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows(
			'catname', 'tx_t3blog_cat', 'uid=' . intval($uid),
			'', '', '1'
		return (is_array($row) ? $row['catname'] : '');

	 * returns the page browser of given table.
	 * @author snowflake <typo3@snowflake.ch>
	 * @param int 			$numOfEntries: total of all elements of a table
	 * @param string 		$ident: identifier for pointer. e.g. recently editet as more than 1 page browser on the site.
	 * @param $prefixId 	$todo: functionname of what-is-to-do-after-page-click-function
	 * @return string 		HTML-Content to the browser
	static public function getPageBrowser($numOfEntries, $ident, $prefixId, $llarray, $piVars, $conf, $limit = 10, $maxPages = 20)	{
  		// Get default configuration
  		$pageBrowserConf = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_pagebrowse_pi1.'];
		if (!is_array($pageBrowserConf) || !isset($pageBrowserConf['userFunc'])) {
			// Hardcoded because:
			// - language labels are unavailable from here
			// - this message is for installers only, not for end users
			$result = 'Warning: "pagebrowse" extension TypoScript is unavailable! Did you forget to include it before t3blog\'s TypoScript?';
		else {
			$pages = intval($numOfEntries/$limit) + (($numOfEntries % $limit) == 0 ? 0 : 1);
			if ($pages == 0) {
				$result = '';
			else {
				// Modify this configuration
				$pageBrowserConf = array_merge($pageBrowserConf, array(
					'pageParameterName' => 'tx_t3blog_post_pointer',
					'numberOfPages' => $pages,
					'numberOfLinks' => isset($conf['numberOfPageBrowserLinks']) ? intval($conf['numberOfPageBrowserLinks']) : 0


				// Get page browser
				$cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
				/* @var $cObj tslib_cObj */
				$cObj->start(array(), '');
				$result = $cObj->cObjGetSingle('USER', $pageBrowserConf);
		return $result;

	 * Adds extra conditions to the page browser link
	 * @param array $conf
	 * @return void
	static protected function setPageBrowserFilters(array &$conf) {
		$postVars = t3lib_div::_GP('tx_t3blog_pi1');
		if (is_array($postVars) && isset($postVars['sword'])) {
			$conf['extraQueryString'] = t3lib_div::implodeArrayForUrl('tx_t3blog_pi1', array(
				'sword' => $postVars['sword']

	 * Sets an alternative blog Pid.
	 * @param 	integer		$pid: pid of the record storage page
	static public function setAlternativeBlogPid($pid) {
		$GLOBALS['alternativeBlogPid'] = $pid;

	 * Returns the blog storage folder pid
	 * @return integer 	pid of the storage folder
	static public function getBlogPid(){
		static $cachedPid = 0;

		if (isset($GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_t3blog_pi1.']['blogPid']) &&
				t3lib_div::testInt($GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_t3blog_pi1.']['blogPid'])) {
			return $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_t3blog_pi1.']['blogPid'];

		// get pid
		if (isset($GLOBALS['alternativeBlogPid']) && $GLOBALS['alternativeBlogPid'] > 0) {
			return intval($GLOBALS['alternativeBlogPid']);

		if ($cachedPid != 0) {
			$pid = $cachedPid;
		else {
			// get the Rootline
			$rootline = array_reverse($GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->rootLine);

			// go through rootline until a blogPid is found
			$pidList = array();
			foreach ($rootline as $page) {
				$pidList[] = $page['uid'];
			$pidString = implode(',', $pidList);
			list($row) = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows('uid', 'pages',
				'uid IN (' . $pidString . ') AND module=\'t3blog\'' .
				'', 'FIELD(uid,' . $pidString . ')', 1);
			if (is_array($row)) {
				$pid = $row['uid'];
			else {
				$pid = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id;
			$cachedPid = $pid;
		return intval($pid);

	static public function getExpandCollapseJavaScript($elementId, $idPrefix, $openMarker, $closeMarker) {
		if (!isset($GLOBALS['TSFE']->additionalHeaderData['t3blog-collapse-js'])) {
			$GLOBALS['TSFE']->additionalHeaderData['t3blog-collapse-js'] = '<script ' .
				'src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/ext-core/3/ext-core.js" ' .
				'type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/' .
				'function tx_t3blog_expand(element) {
				function tx_t3blog_collapse(element) {
					element.slideOut("t", {
						useDisplay: true
				function tx_t3blog_toggle(element, toggleElement, openMarker, closeMarker) {
					element = Ext.get(element);
					if (toggleElement) {
						toggleElement = Ext.get(toggleElement);
					if (element.dom.style.display == "none") {
						if (toggleElement) {
							toggleElement.dom.innerHTML = closeMarker;
					else {
						if (toggleElement) {
							toggleElement.dom.innerHTML = openMarker;
				function tx_t3blog_expandCollapse(elementId, idPrefix, openMarker, closeMarker) {
					Ext.get("toggle" + elementId).on("click", function() {
						tx_t3blog_toggle(idPrefix + elementId, "toggle" + elementId, openMarker, closeMarker);
				. '/*]]>*/</script>';

		$js = 'tx_t3blog_expandCollapse(' .
				'"' . addslashes($elementId) . '",' .
				'"' . addslashes($idPrefix) . '",' .
				'"' . addslashes($openMarker) . '",' .
				'"' . addslashes($closeMarker) . '"' .

		return $js;

if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['ext/t3blog/pi1/lib/class.t3blog_div.php'])	{

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