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20.12.2003, 19:24 | #1 |
Регистрация: 18.12.2003
Сообщений: 4
is there russian Indexed Search version?
(excuse me writing in english - i'm form poland, builing a site in russian) is there any way to get the russian labels for indexed search? has anybody done it? I'd be very grateful for any help, extension, or even a file with russian version of labels nad some hints where should I add them. thanks amiran at tlen.pl |
21.02.2004, 12:42 | #2 |
About search in russian: http://typo3.net.ru/viewtopic.php?t=9 .... \"Probably this is because the REGEX which extracts the words from the content is geared for ascii and no >127 chars. Maybe german and danish extras. In the file \"class.indexer.php\" there is a function \"split2words\" which splits the word in the content and that does it by \"alnum\" plus characters found in some internal arrays: ->convChars - obviously we need a solution for splitting the words in other languages wheere the non-ascii chars are different. For now you can make a class extension to this class and insert a list of russian/ukranian chars in these internal arrays and you should be fine. Feel free to work on a better, more general solution. [Answered Online during List Management]\" Solution: 1. Edit file class.indexer.php in typo3/ext/indexed_search 2. Replace: var $convChars=array( \"qyЉ}t{Њ†v€u\", \"‘™Є?’љ«¤ћ–Ё•\" ); To: var $convChars=array( \"АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ\", \"абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя\" ); 3. Save file |