Форум больше не используется. Присоединяйтесь к каналу #community-ru в Slack for TYPO3 community |
25.07.2009, 00:27 | #1 |
TinyMCE RTE рулит
Юзабилити CMS наверное наполовину зависит от визуального редактора. Последняя версия TinyMCE RTE на первый взгляд по всем параметрам лучше HTMLarea RTE.
Так что всем рекомендую. Имеется утилита для визуальной конфигурации панели кнопок и создания дефолтового TSconfig http://www.delusionworld.com/files/t...onfig-utility/ Конечно наверняка там в нем чего-то нет (типа поддержки DAM). Но для обычной ситуации он очень даже хорош. Последний раз редактировалось Valery Romanchev; 25.07.2009 в 00:53 |
25.07.2009, 14:39 | #2 |
Senior Member
Отличная утилита. Спасибо!
28.10.2009, 20:57 | #3 |
Конфиг для него рабочий:
RTE.default.init { // define a stylesheet content_css = fileadmin/templates/style_rte.css } RTE.default { callbackJavascriptFile = gzip = 1 gzipFileCache = 1 defaultLanguageFE = ru typo3filemanager.window.width = 700 typo3filemanager.window.height = 400 typo3filemanagerThumbs.width = 200 typo3filemanagerThumbs.height = 150 typo3filemanagerMaxPlainImages.width = 500 typo3filemanagerMaxPlainImages.height = 500 linkhandler { tt_news { # id of the Single News Page parameter = 31 # id of the Storage folder containing the news (just used to mark already selected news) [set "storage >" if unsure or the user can select from more than one Storage Folder] storage = 20 additionalParams = &tx_ttnews[tt_news]={field:uid} additionalParams.insertData = 1 # you need: uid, hidden, header [this is the displayed title] (use xx as header to select other properties) # you can provide: bodytext [alternative title], starttime, endtime [to display the current status] select = uid,title as header,hidden,starttime,endtime,bodytext sorting = crdate desc } } # Config used for the spellchecker spellcheck { general.engine = GoogleSpell spellchecker_languages = Русский=ru,English=en PSpell.mode = PSPELL_FAST PSpell.spelling = PSpell.jargon = PSpell.encoding = PSpellShell.mode = PSPELL_FAST PSpellShell.aspell = PSpellShell.tmp = ./tmp } } RTE.default.init { theme_advanced_buttons1=undo,redo,|,cut,copy,paste,pastetext,pasteword,|,search,replace,|,fullscreen,|,cleanup,nonbreaking,|,code,visualchars,anchor,|,charmap,media,attribs,spellchecker theme_advanced_buttons2=link,typo3link,unlink,|,image,typo3image,|,table,|,row_props,cell_props,|,row_before,row_after,delete_row,|,col_before,col_after,delete_col,|,split_cells,merge_cells theme_advanced_buttons3=styleselect,|,formatselect,|,bold,italic,underline,|,strikethrough,sub,sup,|,bullist,numlist,|,outdent,indent,blockquote,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,| theme_advanced_buttons4= plugins=contextmenu,inlinepopups,safari,paste,searchreplace,fullscreen,nonbreaking,visualchars,media,xhtmlxtras,spellchecker,advlink,typo3filemanager,advimage,table theme_advanced_statusbar_location = bottom width = 600 height = 400 fix_table_elements = true # you could override the following option if you don't want to insert links. file_browser_callback = typo3filemanager # Additional config options for the "pastetext" button. # If enabled double linefeeds are converted to paragraph elements when using the plain text dialog. This is enabled by default. paste_create_paragraphs = true # If enabled single linefeeds are converted to hard line break elements when using the plain text dialog. This is enabled by default. paste_create_linebreaks = true # Additional config options for the "pasteword" button. # If disabled then normal cleanup will not be performed after wordpaste. This option is enabled by default. paste_force_cleanup_wordpaste = true # MSIE specific option, if you set this to true both Mozilla and MSIE will present a paste dialog. If you set it to false pasting in MSIE will be done directly. This option is set to true by default. paste_use_dialog = true # MSIE specific option. If you enable this feature, a word paste will be executed when the user copy/paste content to the editor. This feature is disabled by default. paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste = true # If this feature is enabled middot lists are converted into UL lists, these will be assigned a special class. paste_convert_middot_lists = true # This option enables you to specify what class to assign to the UL list of middot converted lists. Middot lists are unindented in MS Office. This option defaults to "unIndentedList". paste_unindented_list_class = unIndentedList # This feature converts H1-6 elements to strong elements on paste, this is feature is disabled by default. paste_convert_headers_to_strong = true # This enables you to control if the word parse operation should remove or keep span elements, they will be removed by default. paste_remove_spans = true # This enables you to control if the word parse operation should remove or keep style attributes, they will be removed by default. paste_remove_styles = true # Comma separated list of search/replace chunks. Where even items is the regexp that is to be used for the search and odd values are the contents that are to be replaced. paste_replace_list = \u2122,<sup>TM</sup>,\u2026,...,\u201c|\u201d,",\u2019,\',\u2013,–,\u2014,—,\u2015|\u2212,- # This feature allows you to control whether or not class attributes are stripped when using pasteword. Valid values are: # all - will strip all class attributes from the pasted content. This is the default value. # none - will not strip any class attributes from the pasted content. # mso - will strip out all of the class attribute values that start with "Mso", but retain all others. paste_strip_class_attributes = all # This option enables you to specify a callback function. This callback is executed when the user pastes word content, the return value of this function will be the new content string. #paste_insert_word_content_callback = # Additional config options for the "nonbreaking" button. # This enables you to force TinyMCE to insert three &nbsp; entities when the user presses the tab key. nonbreaking_force_tab = false # Additional config options for the "code" button. # This option enables you to force word wrap for the source editor, this option is set to true by default. theme_advanced_source_editor_wrap = true # Additional config options for the "media" button. # True/false option that gives you the ability to have a JavaScript embed method instead of using object/embed tags. Defaults to: false media_use_script = false # True/false option that enables you to force Windows media player 6 compatiblity by returning that clsid, but some features and options for WMP may not work if you use this option. You can find a reference on these options at w3schools. Defaults to: false media_wmp6_compatible = false # Skips the loading of the default plugin CSS file, this can be useful if your content CSS already defined the media specific CSS information, Defaults to: false. media_skip_plugin_css = false # URL to a JS file containing files to be listed in the media dropdown list similar to the one found in the advimg dialog. The name of the array variable in the JS file should be "tinyMCEMediaList". media_external_list_url # Name/Value list of format mappings to file extensions. Defaults to: flash=swf;shockwave=dcr;qt=mov,qt,mpg,mp3,mp4,mpeg;shockwave=dcr;wmp=avi,wmv,wm,asf,asx,wmx,wvx;rmp=rm,ra,ram. media_types = flash=swf;shockwave=dcr;qt=mov,qt,mpg,mp3,mp4,mpeg;shockwave=dcr;wmp=avi,wmv,wm,asf,asx,wmx,wvx;rmp=rm,ra,ram # This option enables you to switch strict output on/off. media_strict = false # Additional config options for the "link" button. # This option should contain a semicolon separated list of class titles and class names separated by =. The titles are the ones that get presented to the user in the styles drop down list and and the class names is the classes that gets inserted. advlink_styles = # This option should contain a semicolon separated list of link target titles and target names separated by =. The titles are the ones that get presented to the user in the link target drop down list and and the target names is the target that gets inserted as a target attribute. #theme_advanced_link_targets = Some frame=someframe;Some other frame=otherframe # Additional config options for the "image" button. # This option enables you to control if the image dimensions should be updated with new data if the image src field is changed. This option is enabled by default. advimage_update_dimensions_onchange = true # Additional config options for the "table" button. # This option should contain a semicolon separated list of class titles and class names separated by = # The titles are the ones that get presented to the user in the styles drop down list and and the class names is the classes that gets inserted. table_styles = With background=contenttable;No border=no_border; Simple border=simple_border # This option should contain a semicolon separated list of class titles and class names separated by = # The titles are the ones that get presented to the user in the styles drop down list and and the class names is the classes that gets inserted. table_cell_styles = Header 1=header1;Header 2=header2;Header 3=header3;Table Cell=tableCel1 # This option should contain a semicolon separated list of class titles and class names separated by = # The titles are the ones that get presented to the user in the styles drop down list and and the class names is the classes that gets inserted. table_row_styles = Header 1=header1;Header 2=header2;Header 3=header3;Table Row=tableRow1 # Enables you to specify the max number of cells for a table. table_cell_limit = 100 # Enables you to specify the max number of rows for a table. table_row_limit = 50 # Enables you to specify the max number of columns for a table. table_col_limit = 50 # Enables you to specify the default border value. table_default_border = # Enables you to specify the default cellpadding value. table_default_cellpadding = 2 # Enables you to specify the default cellspacing value. table_default_cellspacing = 2 # Additional config options for the "styleselect" button. # This option should contain a semicolon separated list of class titles and class names separated by =. The titles will be presented to the user in the styles dropdown list and the class names will be inserted. If this option is not defined, TinyMCE imports the classes from the content_css. # theme_advanced_styles = Header 1=header1;Header 2=header2;Header 3=header3;Table Row=tableRow1 theme_advanced_styles = No space after=no_space_after # Additional config options for the "formatselect" button. # This option should contain a comma separated list of formats that will be available in the format drop down list. theme_advanced_blockformats = p,div,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,dt,dd,code,samp } |
29.10.2009, 06:48 | #4 |
Senior Member
Регистрация: 21.11.2007
Сообщений: 217
да жалко что нельзя юзеру прописывать тот или иной визуальный редактор
28.08.2010, 22:59 | #5 |
Senior Member
Регистрация: 13.11.2006
Сообщений: 180
Не работает с последней версией Typo3 4.4
28.08.2010, 23:57 | #6 |
специально проверил - tinymce_rte работает с TYPO3 4.4.2
После установки нужно очистить кеши, выйти и зайти снова Последнее время мы tinymce_rte не используем. Все-таки над дефолтовым редактором работают больше, совместимость и настраиваемость у него выше. |
29.08.2010, 16:07 | #7 |
Senior Member
Регистрация: 13.11.2006
Сообщений: 180
В документации забыли написать, что нужно добавить
RTE.default.useFEediting = 1 |
29.08.2010, 16:17 | #8 |
Senior Member
Регистрация: 13.11.2006
Сообщений: 180
А в последнем htmlArea не будет фигачить лишние и пустые <p> </p>?
31.03.2011, 13:23 | #9 |
Senior Member
Регистрация: 25.12.2009
Сообщений: 106
у меня проблема, при использовании редактора если я ставлю ссылку типа
page.html#top он ее конвертит после сохранения в http://page.html#top если ставлю просто #top он конвертит в http://site.ru/index.php?id=page#top и как понимаете толку от такого анкора - нуль может кто сталкивался и решил эту проблему? |
04.04.2011, 12:24 | #10 |
Senior Member
А что такое page.html в вашем случае? Если одна из страниц TYPO3 - то ссылку нужно ставить 10#top (где 10 - это id нужной страницы). Если страница внешняя, не TYPO3 - то нужно полную ссылку с http://...
Кстати конвертит не редактор, а HTML-парсер из ядра TYPO3. Там практически все его поведение можно настроить через Page TSConfig. Если интересны подробности, то смотрите мануал по HTMLArea. |
Теги |
htmlarea, tinymce_rte |
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