26.04.2007, 21:46
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http://typo3.org/documentation/docum...4/2/#id2820846 :
Configuration of the displayed order of fields in TCEforms.
The whole strings is divided by tokens according to a - unfortunately - complex ruleset.
1. #1: Overall the value is divided by a "comma" ( , ). Each part represents the configuration for a single field.
2. #2: Each of the field configurations is further divided by a semi-colon ( ; ). Each part of this division has a special significance.
Part 1: Fieldname reference (Required!)
Part 2: Alternative fieldlabel (LS)
Part 3: Palette number (referring to an entry in the "palettes" section).
Part 4: Special configuration (splitted by colon ( : )), eg. 'nowrap' and 'richtext[(list of keys or *)]' (see section later)
Part 5: Form style codes (see section later)
Notice: Instead of a real fieldname you can theoretically insert "--div--" and you will have a divider line shown. However this is not rendered by default so it has no significance.
Another special fieldname, '--palette--', will insert a link to a palette (of course you need to specify a palette and title then...)